Shopping for price works - if you are looking for a physical item like a car at three or four different dealerships. If you are pricing a service that is mostly labor and expertise then it is much harder to shop “apples for apples” because there will always be “bad apples”.
Look for HVAC System Cleaners that are members of the National Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA). NADCA was started in 1989 and has set duct cleaning standards since 1991. The Air System Cleaning Specialist (ASCS) Certification Test is based upon Assessing HVAC problems and mechanical systems, Protecting the Health and Safety of Employees and Building Occupants and Performing the Cleaning while protecting the Building Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). The Certified Ventilation Inspector (CVI) is the highest most comprehensive NADCA Certification. Connecticut Steam Cleaning, Inc. (CSC) has been cleaning HVAC systems since the mid 1980’s. CSC was NADCA ASCS certified in the first round of testing back in 1995 and obtained the CVI in 2003.
Look at how long the company has had NADCA membership. New members join all the time and may have little to no practical experience.
Connecticut Steam Cleaning, Inc. is the FIRST NADCA member (1/17/1990) in all of New England and has complete many thousands of jobs. Bill Benito receives calls almost weekly from people seeking his expertise about methods and equipment.
Look at how active the company has been in NADCA. A recently acquired membership only proves that the company has studies hard for the ASCS exam and paid their membership dues. Bill Benito has served on almost every NADCA committee and his passion for education lead him to develop training courses and testing for the ASCS , CVI and ACR 2013 committee. Bill Benito also served on the Board of Directors for 9 years in every officer’s position including President of NADCA from 2013 -2015.
Look at the companies methods for actually doing the work. There are many duct and vent cleaning companies that still use the “Hack and Vac” methods where they cut holes in the ductwork every 4 to 6 feet to vacuum the ducts out with Shop Vac style HEPA vacuums. If you have areas of inaccessible ductwork (above hard ceilings, inside wall cavities and chases) they can’t clean them.
CSC uses Scand Tech (www.scandtech.com) equipment that was developed in Sweden. Scand Tech’s cable-brush system and the high volume air nozzles can travel up to 150+ feet from one opening. We also have remote cameras to confirm inaccessible areas are cleaned. -
Look at the value you will receive, not the price. Value and integrity are remembered long after the price is forgotten.