HVAC Hygiene / Restoration
According the ASHRAE/ ACCA Standard 180, many HVAC systems maintenance is based upon RTF – “Run To Failure”. This does not work in today’s high replacement and high energy cost. Studies have shown that a dirty or restricted heating / cooling coil can waste up to 30% of the energy you paid for. Our exclusive steam cleaning and pressure washing of coils can be done with no chemicals and be completely “Green”. Many of our mechanical contractor partners tell their customers that “if Connecticut Steam Cleaning can’t clean it, it needs to be replaced” We pride ourselves in that there are very few coils that we were not able to return to with-in 10% of the designed specifications. These were mostly coils that had been severely damaged or improperly cleaned by other companies.
Our Restoration process includes complete cleaning of the Air Handling Unit (AHU) including, fans, coils, motors, condensate pans and cabinet walls. If needed, we can remove and replace deteriorating insulation and stop leaky drain pans.